TRANSLATIONS, AFRICA BEYOND, Africa Centre and Bernie Grant Arts Centre, 2008
These performances were part of a project celebrating Africa and its languages across art forms. My script focused on the persona of the Vodun trickster god Legba, tracing a journey of how West African mythology left its home shores to find fresh expressions in the new world of the Americas and Caribbean. I collaborated with musician Zak Akhimien who provided sound direction with photographer Craig Dow on film projections. Produced by Melanie Abrahams of Renaissance One in association with the BBC, the British Museum, Southbank Centre, iniva (Institute for International Visual Arts) and other partners.
Africa Beyond was founded in March 2006 and created as a legacy of Africa 05, a major celebration of African arts, held throughout 2005. It organised artist residencies linking Africa and the UK, ran public events such as the Word from Africa festival (first hosted at the British Museum in May 2007), and worked with arts venues to improve their links with African audiences and artists.
My deep interest in ritual, specifically that of my Ewe heritage in this instance, anchored this performance. Legba is the gatekeeper, guardian of the crossroads and opener of the way in the Vodun religion among the Ewe people who live in Ghana, Togo and Benin. His phallus is the bridge that connects opposites, that tethers dualities. He also rules language, communication and drumming. I used his sigil as part of the visuals and was inspired to place it at the top of every page on this website as a way of invoking his gift of the gab to open the way for this writing life.
Photos: Richard Kaby